Glorious Skate Days : Marcia Vale

by March 03, 2017 0 comments

"How well I remember those glorious days, waltzing on the elderly arm of Mr White, pairs with Dolena Stevenson.  Once I had a carnival role which began with me spinning about armed with two torches.  These had to be deposited at one of the exits while I set forth upon my solo.  But with the excitement and spotlights I turned the rink around in my head and went to the wrong exit where no one had the wherewithal to extinguish the torches.  I just left them and twirled away.  Someone may still be trying to put them out!"

Marcia Vale, second from left!

Ice Follies Program cover from 1952

Marcia Vale -  far left - in the Kerrisdale Ice Follies!

Marcia Vale and her partner in pairs skating Dolena Stevenson!

Some of Marcia's medals!

The trophies lined up in the sunlight outside Kerrisdale Arena!

Arena Rock


Interested in people and history. And fun.